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There are many effective ways to manage records by name, grouping or other categorical descriptors. Commence On Demand enables your company to share a range of accounts lists and allows individual users to create and save "saved searches" from any of those lists. The lists can be used for mail merges, email or reporting.

Your company-shared lists are located on the left frame of the accounts module. This list is accessible by all employees. The actual records they see will be a result of their permission settings. Example, if the boss selected utility companies and has permission to see all accounts, and Mike only had permission to see his own accounts, they could both see Utility companies but Mike’s list would be limited to those assigned to him. Use All Lists to display all records.

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Saved Searches[edit]

Once you have opened the Accounts module, you can select an account list and may drill down deeper with your own saved searches. You may build or use a saved search which for specific accounts based on additional criteria (size, location, products, activity level, etc.). Your personal Saved Searches are located on the header bar.

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1. Click on the Select a Saved Search drop-down list.

2. To edit an existing search click Edit Saved Search or to create a new search click New Saved Search. The Search Builder screen displays.

3. In the Search Name field enter the name of the Saved Search you wish to edit or create.

4. Enter or revise the respective criteria.

5. Click Save & Apply.

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Once your list is built, it is saved for easy access in the future and for Mail Merge purposes.

Note: You can also created Saved Searches in the Sales module for Opportunities and Leads module for individual Leads.

Saved Views[edit]

You may also change the view of listed records and select the column headings you prefer in the Accounts, Sales and Leads modules.

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1. Click on the View drop-down list.

2. To edit an existing view, click Edit View or to create a new view click New View. The View Builder screen displays and the Home section lists all the current custom views.

3. Rearrange, add or remove the columns as desired. This includes custom fields.

4. Click Save View.

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