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You can view or manage server and regional settings that are specific to your company.

1. Select Administration from the Quick Links menu.

2. Select Configuration from the Administrator menu.

3. Select Server Settings. The Server Settings page displays.

Server Details[edit]

Click the Server Details tab to view or manage the following:

  • Server Information: This is managed by Commence Corporation. The Host Name is typically your company name. This is used to create a secure and personalized web address (URL) for your company’s On Demand instance. The Filesystem Storage Path provides a vehicle for uploading files and documents to the On Demand server.
  • Working Hours: The general working hours for your company. This can be different for individual users and may be updated on their user profile.
  • Email Check Interval: This feature is used with the Premium Email module. This lets you choose how often to check your mail server for new incoming and outgoing email messages. Each user also has the ability to refresh their email dashboard at any time.
  • Duplicate Checks: When this checkbox is selected duplicate checking is enabled for account and lead records.

Regional Details[edit]

Click the Regional Settings tab to manage the following:

  • Default Timezone: should be set to the location and time zone for the majority of users at your company.
  • Date & Time Formats: Choose the appropriate formats for your region.
  • Currency & Number Formats: Choose the appropriate formats for your company.

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