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You can enter a new lead from the Leads module or directly from your Digital Dashboard. From the Digital Dashboard, simply click on New Lead in the Quick Links section.

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1. Click on New Lead. The New Lead form displays.

2. Fill in the company information on the left side of the form. On the right side, fill in the primary contact information.

3. You also have the ability to save the lead to a specific lead list, on the bottom of the left side of the form. On the right side you can add a note to the lead by checking box marked “Create Note" The On-Demand Leads module allows you to import lists of leads from various sources, integrate them into your On-Demand database and easily convert a lead to an account when the lead has been qualified.

Clicking on the Leads module brings you to where the leads are cataloged. Lists of leads can be imported, divided, and cataloged by your criteria. Auto Assignment Rules can also be created to automatically filter leads to specified employees during import. These lead lists are then available to their assigned owner.

You may click on a Leads List title to view a listing of leads from that lead list. You may then click on an individual lead name to view detail about that lead.