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Revision as of 18:52, 25 September 2012 by Technowrites (talk | contribs)
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To modify a quote, view it in the normal manner. Any field that allows a modification can be changed and saved permanently. Items may be removed by placing a checkmark beside the item and clicking on the “Remove Items” button. Items may be added in the normal manner using the “Add Item” button.

1. Select the Opportunity from the list of Sales Oppor-tunities. The “Opportunity” dialog for that Opportuni-ty will appear.
2. In the “Select a Related View” dropdown menu, select “Quotes.” Summarized quotation information will appear.
3. To view detailed information about a Quote click on the Quote’s “Title.” The “Quote Detail” screen for that quotation will appear. You may modify infor-mation in any field, which allows you to do so. Click on the “Save and Close” button to close the screen and save your modifications.
4. To remove an item from a Quote, place a checkmark beside the item and click on the “Re-move Items” button.

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5. To add an item to a Quote, click on the “Add Item” button to view a list of products. Place a checkmark beside one or more products to be added to your quote. Then, click on the “Select” button.