
From Commence CRM-Help

Revision as of 12:49, 2 December 2012 by J.collier (talk | contribs)

Various reports are included with Commence on-Demand and your administrator may create new ones, allowing you to man-age a wide range of activity about your business.

ScreenHunter 87 Sep. 25 15.02.jpg

Click on any report in your report library for a sample. At the top of each report are options to export the data as PDF, Excel, CSV or RTF.

1. Click on the “Reports” link under Quick Links then se-lect a report category (Sales, Activity, Contacts)

2. To Edit an existing report, click the pencil on the right column. Some reports are locked and may not be edit-ed.

Report Writer

With CRM On Demand, you can determine personalized system reports on any information in the database. A library of pre-built reports is available, or you may create new ones. Users must have appropriate permissions to use the Reports module. Reports are broken into categories for ease-of-use. All reports shows every report listed in alphabetical order.