Calendar/How to Select a Date to Display

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Revision as of 18:42, 15 September 2012 by Technowrites (talk | contribs)

Near the top of the Calendar screen, buttons are available for quickly jumping to the “Current” period, or the “Previous” or “Next” period relative to the current display.


You may also enter a date and “Go” directly to the Daily view for that date.
When entering a date, you may click on the Date Finder icon to visually select a date from a calendar display.

1. To go to the previous calendar period (prior to the one currently displayed), click on the “Previous” but-ton.
2. To go to the next calendar period (following the one currently displayed); click on the “Next” button.
3. To go to the current period (the period which in-cludes today’s date) click on the “Current” button.
4. To go to the Daily calendar for a selected date, en-ter the date manually in the field containing “MM/DD/YYYY” or click on the Date Finder icon and use the calendar, which appears on screen.