Calendar/How to Select a Date to Display
From Commence CRM-Help
Revision as of 18:41, 15 September 2012 by Technowrites (talk | contribs)
Near the top of the Calendar screen, buttons are available for quickly jumping to the “Current” period, or the “Previous” or “Next” period relative to the current display.
- You may also enter a date and “Go” directly to the Daily view for that date.
- When entering a date, you may click on the Date Finder icon to visually select a date from a calendar display.
- Step-by-Step
- 1. To go to the previous calendar period (prior to the one currently displayed), click on the “Previous” but-ton.
- 2. To go to the next calendar period (following the one currently displayed); click on the “Next” button.
- 3. To go to the current period (the period which in-cludes today’s date) click on the “Current” button.
- 4. To go to the Daily calendar for a selected date, en-ter the date manually in the field containing “MM/DD/YYYY” or click on the Date Finder icon and use the calendar, which appears on screen.