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Commence On-Demand allows you to administer personalized settings for each of the system modules. This includes the ability to modify custom views, default views, custom fields, and terms. The steps for setting up default views, custom views, and custom fields will be the same throughout each of the modules.

Note: The primary detail forms in various modules have room for 4 custom fields and there is a related view “Custom Fields” which can hold as many more as you need. Best practice is to put the most important fields at the top of the list so they appear on the primary detail form.

Setting up Default Views-

Commence On-Demand allows you to administer the default views for any module in the system, selecting which fields will be displayed when a user accesses that module. These default views can be overridden by the individual user to suit their personal needs.

Use the following steps to set up default views:

1. From the Tab, select Administration.

2. Then select Module Settings from the administration listing.

3. Select the module for which you'd like to set the default view.

4. Select Default Views from the module settings listing.

5. Select the view you wish to be the default in that module.

6. Select the Save button to save the default view, then Save & Close to return to the Modular Settings.

Setting up Custom Views-

Commence On-Demand allows you to administer custom views for any module in the system, selecting which fields will be displayed when a user accesses that module. Custom views allow you to adapt the modules to the specialized needs of your company.

Use the following steps to set up custom views:

1. From the Tab, select Administration.

2. Then select Module Settings from the administration listing.

3. Select the module for which you'd like to set a custom view.

4. Select Custom Views from the module settings listing.

5. Select the default view to modify from the listing by clicking on the specific View Name.

6. Select fields to appear in the module from the available drop down lists.

7. Add, remove or re-order any fields in the module.

8. Select the Save and New button to save and assign an additional custom view.

9. Select the Save and Close button to save the custom view.

Administering Custom Fields-

Commence On-Demand allows you to determine and maintain custom fields for your specific company needs that are not addressed by the default fields in Commence On-Demand. You can add, delete or duplicate custom fields for any module within Commence On-Demand.

Use the following steps to set up custom fields: 1. From the Tab, select Administration.

2. Then select Module Settings from the administration listing.

3. Select the module for which you'd like to add custom fields.

4. Select Custom Fields from the module settings listing.

5. Select the New button.

6. Enter the field name.

7. Select the module to which the field will be added. The default is the module to which you are currently adding fields.

8. Select the record type from the drop down list, for example, Account or Contact.

9. Select whether the field text, a list, or a connection.

10. Select the Save and Close button if you are finished adding fields or

11. Select the Save & New button to save and add additional fields.

Field Types:

• Text – allows free-form text to be entered

• List – Create a selection list

• Connection – Create one-to-one or one-to-many links between other records (i.e., “Buys From:”; “Sells To:”) to track relationships between companies within your database. “List” field “Connection” field – highlight item and click pencil to View

Modifying Drop-down Boxes-

The Sales, Marketing, Support, and Accounting modules within Commence On-Demand have several drop-down boxes that enable the end user to select from pre-defined values. The values shown in the drop-down boxes may be modified to meet the specific requirements of your business. The same process is used for modifying custom fields that are “Lists”. Shown below are the Source and industry fields located on the right side of the Account detail form.

These fields can be edited in Administration, Module Settings, Accounts, Source/Industry as shown below.

Add and remove values, modify the display order and Save.